This is the how.
Pick a date. Pick a place.
Most couples have found that setting aside a period of time over two days (such as a weekend) where you will not be seriously interrupted or distracted. How much time is needed depends on how much you have to talk about, and the time required to make decisions together. To help turn your State of the Union into an annual event, we recommend turning it into a mini-vacation (or stay-cation).
Requirements for a place should include somewhere that has a few interesting things to do nearby when you need a break, but not too interesting that you’re tempted away from the work at hand.
Fast wifi or mobile broadband is key if you are viewing and editing a shared document. Having a Google document open in individual laptops allows each person to peruse and edit, while simultaneously seeing your partner make changes. That technology really makes it a pleasant experience.
Post-holidays in January is an excellent time to score a discounted hotel room (or plane tickets if your budget allows) to many destinations. By turning this weekend into something you look forward to, you’ll be more likely to turn in into a habit.
Have the first stage be a reflection of the past year- the retrospective. The next stage is the prospective– your plans for the future. The template page explains these concepts in more detail.
Bring a laptop (ideally two) and an idea of the categories you want to discuss. Your template should include any of the topics you’d like to discuss.